Laptops For Your Remote Workforce: Think Differently

Working from home has become the new norm across many sectors of commerce. And, while it’s helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19, this suddenly remote workforce presents significant challenges for those who manage the organization’s IT resources. One of the biggest dilemmas: How do you keep your remote team...

IT Asset Disposition: Weighing Your Options

For many organizations, the arrival of new information technology generates a lot of excitement, especially among end-users. But for the IT department, this refresh involves hard work and long hours. It also necessitates a decision about what will become of obsolete assets. This is not an easy decision, as I've...

Ensuring Your Data is Protected, Anywhere!

When we meet with our clients, we like to assess their processes. The first question we ask is, "How are you protecting yourself against a data breach?" The answer usually has a lot of different approaches, but my team and I continually focus on improving the protection of our clients'...

Spring Time, Cleanup Time

Spring time. It is the time of year for new beginnings and new life. Grass begins to green, trees and flowers begin to bloom, and after months of cold wintery weather, we're able to enjoy the warmth and sunshine outdoors. This change in seasons also tends to bring "spring cleaning."...

Data Security Needs, Complexities And Penalties Are Rising

The need to manage mobile data security is increasing, and so are the complexities, penalties, and damages from failing to address this critical area. The following statistics highlight the growing need for data security in mobility: According to the 2017 Security Global Report from Trustwave, 65% of IT professionals felt...