Beyond OEM Legislative Compliance: Should You Expect More From Your Partner?

World globe with a green recycling symbol surrounding it.

This is the fourth post in our blog series about choosing an OEM legislative compliance partner. You’ll find links to the first three articles at our SPARK blog home page.

In the three previous installments of this blog series, I presented key criteria for choosing the right partner to help original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) manage their obligations under state-legislated electronics recycling programs. Among the criteria discussed: state-specific expertise, comprehensiveness of services, level of experience in this sector, commitment to strong data security practices, and responsiveness to customer needs and questions.

Now I’d like to take a look at how a partner can add value to the relationship beyond state program management and consumer recycling services.

Some vendors focus strictly on legislative program compliance and/or consumer recycling services — which is fine if that’s all your company ever needs. But, chances are, you could benefit from a partner with an expanded menu of services (in addition to proficiently meeting your OEM legislative compliance needs, of course). Let’s look at some examples of value-added services and capabilities.

CERTIFIED DESTRUCTION — Like most OEMs, your product portfolio probably includes items that have been retired, recalled, or need to be removed from the market for other reasons. Certified destruction ensures that these products are securely destroyed, which is confirmed by tracking and certification. You should receive documentation verifying appropriate destruction and final disposition.

SCRAP PROCESSING AND MATERIAL RECOVERY — Excess or defective items, such as circuit boards, wire, and hard drives, are processed with the goal of recovering materials (e.g. precious metals) that can be returned to the manufacturing process.

IT ASSET DISPOSITION — Computers and other IT equipment used within your company must be replaced periodically. A partner with a robust set of ITAD services can manage these assets through a full chain of custody, complying with all environmental laws and sanitizing or destroying data in accordance with third-party national standards. Ask the vendor about revenue-sharing opportunities from the sale of refurbished IT equipment or parts.

MOBILITY MANAGEMENT — The pervasiveness of smartphones and other mobile devices presents a lifecycle management challenge for many OEMs. Mobility management services include smartphone buyback, data wiping, diagnostics and repair, and end-of-life recycling.

RECYCLED FEEDSTOCK — Sourcing recycled materials, such as metals, plastic, and glass, for your product manufacturing is both smart and earth-friendly. In addition, it may support your corporate responsibility mission.

CONSUMER RETURNS — Comprehensive partner-administered take-back programs reduce the burden of collecting and handling outdated electronics, especially the challenges associated with data management and product disposition. Be sure to verify that the partner adheres to strict practices for protecting sensitive data and keeping reusable materials out of landfills.

MAIL-BACK PROGRAM — Ideally, your partner can handle the complexities associated with end-of-life electronics returned by consumers for recycling with offerings such as specialty take back programs and packaging services. Make certain it’s done in compliance with federal laws, any state requirements, and industry regulations.

SOLAR PANEL RECYCLING — The end-of-life management of solar panels requires specialized knowledge and capabilities, encompassing a full spectrum of activities, from downstream disposal and management, to compliance with evolving legislative requirements.

Dynamic ‘checks all the boxes’

Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations possesses a strong commitment to OEM legislative compliance (with a track record to back it up!), coupled with other areas of expertise that can benefit our OEM customers. I’m pleased to report that Dynamic “checks the boxes” for all the value-added services I’ve just described, as well as for other services. I invite you to peruse our website to learn more about these services. Also, if you haven’t done so already, check out our “Legislative compliance for OEMs” information sheet.

Amanda Buros is the director of program compliance at Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations. You can reach her at [email protected].