Over 22 million Americans find themselves unemployed as the COVID pandemic continues to disrupt the United States. Unemployment is hovering at 14.7% and is expected to rise in the coming weeks due to COVID. During this time, job seekers find themselves grieving, frustrated, and unsure if their next opportunity may...
the SPARK Blog
Laptops For Your Remote Workforce: Think Differently
Working from home has become the new norm across many sectors of commerce. And, while it’s helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19, this suddenly remote workforce presents significant challenges for those who manage the organization’s IT resources. One of the biggest dilemmas: How do you keep your remote team...
IT Asset Disposition: Weighing Your Options
For many organizations, the arrival of new information technology generates a lot of excitement, especially among end-users. But for the IT department, this refresh involves hard work and long hours. It also necessitates a decision about what will become of obsolete assets. This is not an easy decision, as I've...
AI For A More Human Talent Acquisition Experience
Counterintuitive, perhaps, but artificial intelligence can create a more personal and more human experience in the Talent Acquisition (TA) process. At Dynamic, we endeavor to push the envelope in all areas of business, striving for Excellence through Innovation - one of our company core values. This continuous improvement principle is...
‘Certification’ or ‘Compliance’ – What’s the Difference?
Two words, "certified" and "compliant," may appear to mean about the same thing. But when it comes to your IT asset disposition (ITAD), they are worlds apart. Scan the website of any ITAD vendor. Do you see statements such as "compliant with requirements of…" followed by the name of a...
Winning At Waste Exchange
Two years ago, I walked into upper management's office, with all the courage I had, and asked if I could run with a crazy idea. I found an online community called the United States Materials Marketplace that helps companies identify opportunities to minimize waste. The initiative would require less than...
Ensuring Your Data is Protected, Anywhere!
When we meet with our clients, we like to assess their processes. The first question we ask is, "How are you protecting yourself against a data breach?" The answer usually has a lot of different approaches, but my team and I continually focus on improving the protection of our clients'...
Service Excellence – It Takes More Than The “Average Vendor”
It’s time — IAITAM ACE 2018 kicked off yesterday in Orlando. I don’t know about you, but here at Dynamic, we’ve been preparing for this event for months. The budget was confirmed, event staff selected, travel coordinated, and all the booth and promotional materials have been delivered in Orlando and...